What if it IS all about ENERGY…
What if all the soothsayers, crystal healers and energy workers are right. What if this suffering and grief and loss need not be?
I practice a form of Thai massage. Originally, I studied traditional THAI MASSAGE and then I went on to study with Drew Hume at navina.ca. Drew has an interesting and effective take on things. He has taken traditional Thai massage techniques and inspired by what modern science tells us about how the body functions; he has developed a UNIQUE application of the work. I have ended up calling my treatments, Thai-inspired therapeutic massage.
To start with it was all about a physical RELIEF from discomfort. The human biology stuff. What fascinated me was the way the body works & how different bodies are. The topic is seemingly inexhaustible. The more I explore, the more my knowledge develops, the more I find the response is POSITIVE, releasing and sustaining.
The journey unfolds before you. As you open doors, there are more to open - I love this about the work. As I DELVE further and further, my awareness of energy grows. There is so much more going on than just body mechanics. The experience is much more complex. An intricate web of ebbs and flows, pulsing and movement on a deep CELLULAR level. The touch need not be strong, in fact often the most profound work happens when the touch is light.
The important thing, it seems to me, is the LISTENING. Asking the body to reveal its secrets and to respond to the subtle messages. This application of traditional techniques is like a dance, it is MAGIC and I know there is more and more yet to unfold…
And so, my thoughts return to energy and what this is all about. I know the more I do this work, the more I feel. I know that I feel presence in a way that I didn’t before. And I know that I feel my Mum with me when I need her. I can sense her sitting beside me, holding my hand. And so, what if? What if we are all really just about energy; the swirling PULSE. What if our time in our bodies is just a mere glimpse of what existence actually is? What if, it really is about the dance of energy before and after? That TIME and physical being are just constraints to true existence, happiness, wellness? What if, this earthly existence, this flicker in a moment is the illusion? If it’s just a tiny part of the picture of your unique energy journey. Then there is no need for the grief and the suffering. We will all, in the end, find the energies we want to be with… In the end then, it matters less and also more than we think. Less because, in the end, we will join the swirl, the myriad of colours and pulses and all will be well and more because if we can just be in the MOMENT and be kind, to ourselves and to all other living beings, then our material existence here on earth can be as JOYOUS as our energetic existence was and will be…